Taxi drivers to strike next week

The four organisations representing taxi drivers have come together to form one organisation to press for reform of the industry…

The four organisations representing taxi drivers have come together to form one organisation to press for reform of the industry.

The Joint Taxi Council (JTC) was set up last Thursday at a joint meeting of Siptu, the Irish Taxi Drivers' Federation, the National Private Hire and Taxi Association, and the National Taxi Drivers' Union.

The JTC is organising an all-out strike on June 4th from 7am to 11am during which a petition will be delivered to the office of the Minister for Transport, Noel Dempsey, calling for the resignation of the Taxi Regulator, Kathleen Doyle.

The organisation says it has been left with "no other option" than to publicly protest their position and withdraw their labour.

In a statement this afternoon, the JTC said it had been engaged with the Department of Transport since September 2006 to establish an appeals process through which industry-related issues and concerns could be addressed.

"However, while we have made every effort to work with the Department of Transport, there has been a lack of any real progress on this issue," it said.

"The fact that the Commission for Taxi Regulation has stated on record it will not negotiate with taxi drivers or their representatives is totally unacceptable and the manner in which significant changes have been made without consultation has led to huge frustration within the industry."

The JTC say the recent decision to increase the small-public-service-vehicle driver's licence from €3 to €250 is "the latest example of the draconian decisions being imposed upon the industry without consultation".