Students in new calls for Mugabe to go

Harare - Students smashed shop windows in Harare and riot police fired

Harare - Students smashed shop windows in Harare and riot police fired

Students in new calls for Mugabe to go teargas yesterday during a third day of demonstrations against President Robert Mugabe's government.

A group of some 40 students broke away from the main body of hundreds of demonstrators and ran down a main street hurling rocks through windows of department stores and fastfood outlets.

Witnesses said police had earlier blocked the students' route through the city, firing teargas to disperse them.


The students, who are demanding increases in their grants and protesting against government corruption, carried placards calling on Mr Mugabe to follow the example of the former Indonesian president, Gen Suharto, and resign.

Meanwhile, yesterday the former president, Mr Canaan Banana, pleaded not guilty in Harare's High Court to homosexually molesting seven aides, a cook, a gardener and a bodyguard.