Shooting claims Irish-born soldier

The United States military is investigating the shooting dead of an Irish-born soldier in Afghanistan late last week.

The United States military is investigating the shooting dead of an Irish-born soldier in Afghanistan late last week.

Ciara Durkin (29) from Quincy, Massachusetts, originally from Connemara, was reported as killed in action on September 27th in Afghanistan.

She was a member of the Massachusetts Army National Guard, and had been serving in Afghanistan for almost a year.

Ms Durkin, whose title was specialist with the guard's finance unit, is survived by two sisters and a brother living in south Connemara, while her mother lives in Boston, Massachusetts.


Ciara left Ireland with her parents, Tommy and Angela, when she was nine years old, but returned for a time to attend secondary school in Carraroe.

The Massachusetts National Guard said that the incident was under investigation in accordance with US Central Command policy, and arrangements were being made at the weekend to fly the body back to the US.

"It is a tragedy that affects us all," Maj Gen Joseph C Carter, adjutant general of the Massachusetts National Guard, said in a statement.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with Specialist Durkins' family and her fellow soldiers," he said.

Neighbours and friends in the Carraroe and Leitir Mór areas have been expressing sympathy with her family members over the weekend.

Ms Durkin is one of 185 foreign troops killed in Afghanistan so far this year.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times