Sex abuse treatment facilities faulted

Lack of treatment facilities for sex abusers is putting children at risk, according to a child psychiatrist

Lack of treatment facilities for sex abusers is putting children at risk, according to a child psychiatrist. Dr Margo Anglim, who works with adolescent offenders in the Children's Hospital in Temple Street, Dublin, told a conference on the treatment of abusers there was no community-based treatment facility for adult offenders in Dublin.

The only facility was the Granada Institute, a private, fee-paying agency, she said. Dr Anglim said research confirmed that treatment was effective in reducing reoffending. She was addressing the annual conference of the National Organisation for the Treatment of Abusers at Dublin City University, where some 400 delegates this week are discussing "Healthy Responses to Sexual Offences".

Ms Rhonda Turner, a psychologist with St Louisa's Unit, Dublin, said appropriate treatment facilities for adolescent abusers were needed. She said that half adult sexual abusers began their abuse during adolescence. Recent research indicated about 25 per cent of adolescent abusers began during childhood.

The Minister of State for Children, Ms Mary Hanafin, said enhancing treatment programmes for sex offenders in prisons was a priority for the prison service.