Securing a presence in the Dail is very high priority for party

SECURING a Dail presence is a very high priority for Sinn Fein

SECURING a Dail presence is a very high priority for Sinn Fein. Some republican sources say it has been the party's most cherished short term objective, next to regaining the West Belfast seat from the SDLP.

The party's best chance is seen to be Mr Caoimhgin O Caolain in Cavan Monaghan. His prospects and those of other Sinn Fein candidates depend very much on the public's perception of the party's role in the peace process.

It is a virtual certainty the party's vote will increase on its 1992 performance. Since then there have been the Downing Street Declaration, the 17 month IRA ceasefire and, probably most important of all, the lifting of television and radio censorship on Sinn Fein representatives.

Support for the party in the North seems to be only marginally affected by the continuing sporadic acts of IRA violence. It is thought Mr Pat Doherty could have won West Tyrone were it not for the IRA shooting of a woman RUC constable in Derry in the run up to the election.


Public opinion in the Republic is less inured to violence, and Sinn Fein could suffer significantly if there were high profile IRA actions during a general election campaign.