New risk of breakdown in teachers' talks

THERE is a renewed risk of a breakdown in the teachers' talks under the Programme for Competitiveness and Work.

THERE is a renewed risk of a breakdown in the teachers' talks under the Programme for Competitiveness and Work.

Management representatives in the vocational sector have written to the Teachers' Union of Ireland saying they are dissastified with the new appointments and promotions procedures proposed.

The general secretary of the TUI, Mr Jim Dorney, confirmed yesterday that the Irish Vocational Educational Association which represents the management of VECs throughout the Republic, had written to him last Wednesday saying his association was unhappy with the proposals and was withdrawing from talks to consult its members.

About 6,000 of the TUI's 9,500 members would be affected by the introduction of a new promotions structure. "This is one issue where we cannot see discussions under the PCW being concluded without the IVEA honouring its commitment," Mr Dorney said.


The TUI, IVEA and Department of Education agreed to a tripartite review of the appointments procedures last February. The talks were due to conclude by June 30th.

A short time ago a technical working group of the review body produced a report recommending that the number of VECs in the Republic be reduced from 38 to 18. This was subsequently amended to a reduction to 21, but the IVEA withdrew from talks because it was unhappy with the findings.

The IVEA has now formally notified the TUI of that withdrawal and says it will not be reentering the talks until it has had an opportunity to consult members. Mr Dorney said that agreement on the appointments and promotions structure was a sine qua non for an agreement on a restructuring deal under the PCW.

The union will also be writing to the Department asking it to confirm that it is accepting the findings of the tripartite review on promotions and appointments.