McAreavey trial adjourned for week

The trial of two men accused of murdering honeymooner Michaela McAreavey in Mauritius has been adjourned until next week.

The trial of two men accused of murdering honeymooner Michaela McAreavey in Mauritius has been adjourned until next week.

The delay in proceedings is due to outstanding legal matters.

Yesterday, the court sat without the jury present to allow lawyers and judge Mr Justice Prithviraj Fecknah time to resolve the issues.

The trial had been anticipated to resume in the presence of jurors today with an opening statement from a barrister for one of the accused.


But the judge told the nine jury members that they would not be hearing evidence again until Monday morning.

“I’ve to inform you about certain developments,” he said during a brief sitting at the Supreme Court in Port Louis.

“With the consent of all parties we will resume on Monday morning at 9.30am.” Avinash Treebhoowoon (31) and Sandip Moneea (42) deny murdering the daughter of Tyrone Gaelic football team manager Mickey Harte.

The 27-year-old teacher was found strangled in her room at the luxury Legends Hotel on the holiday island last January.

The prosecution claim she briefly left her husband John beside a pool at the hotel to return to her room to fetch biscuits and caught the defendants, who both worked at Legends, stealing.

No relatives of Mrs McAreavey were in court as the judge announced the latest hold-up in an already much delayed case.