Key Improvements In The Implementation Plan

The following are what the SDLP views as key improvements to the Implementation Plan.

The following are what the SDLP views as key improvements to the Implementation Plan.

New legislation will strengthen powers of inquiry of Policing Board and make it easier to set up inquiries; will strengthen powers of Police Ombudsman to investigate police policies and practices; will require community policing approach. This means that key SDLP demands for amendments to the Police Bill, which the British government rejected in parliament, will now be implemented.

Oversight Commissioner: The remit of the Oversight Commissioner (American Mr Tom Constantine) has been expanded. He can now recommend new legislation and fully scrutinise the process of change.

Lateral Entry: There will be new legislation to ensure that gardai can be seconded to the new police service - vital to ensure more Catholics and nationalists in senior ranks. A key SDLP demand.


Special Branch: Already down 10 per cent; support units of Special Branch to be amalgamated into wider police service; this will reduce Special Branch by 50 per cent. New tenure policy means that members cannot stay longer than 5-7 years in Special Branch - "very important to end the `force within a force'."

Holding Centres: Two closed already. Final one (Gough Barracks) to close next month.

Full-Time Reserve And Part-Time Reserve: Part-Time Reserve to be recruited from areas where there are few reservists or none at all. This is vital to get nationalists into the police. Part-Time Reserve to be increased over three years - a year earlier than Patten envisaged; 1,500 new PartTime Reservists to be recruited - 300 more than Patten envisaged; 1,200 of these places to be targeted at Catholics. Aim to phase out Full-Time Reserve over three years (by 2005) as Patten envisaged.

Name, Flag, Badge: On name, British say that PSNI is to be used for all operational, contractual and working purposes, including whenever and in whatever circumstances police interface with public. Chief Constable will use PSNI. Oversight Commissioner to monitor use as a safeguard. If difficulties arise, British will pass new legislation. On flag and badge, the British government has made it clear that its bottom line is Patten.

Policing Board Powers: The powers of inquiry of the Policing Board have already been greatly improved during the passage of the Police Bill. New legislation will make it easier to initiate inquiries by reducing the number of votes required.

The final restriction on inquiries, not envisaged by Patten, will be removed by new legislation.