Taking the medicine

A weekly column looking at common treatments

A weekly column looking at common treatments


What is it? Dexamethasone, a long acting corticosteroid, is a synthetic form of natural hormones produced by the adrenal gland.

What is it good for? For the treatment of skin and soft tissue conditions caused by allergy or inflammation, it can be injected into joints to relieve joint pain and stiffness due to rheumatoid arthritis. It is also used intravenously for the treatment of shock and brain swelling due to injury, tumour or stroke, in the emergency treatment of asthma and in drops to treat eye inflammation.


How does it work? By blocking the action of prostaglandins that are responsible for triggering the inflammatory process and by temporarily suppressing the immune system by reducing the activity of certain types of white blood cells.

Any contraindications? Those taking corticosteroids should avoid exposure to chicken pox or shingles as steroids can suppress the immune system. These drugs can reduce the effects of insulin and cause problems for diabetics. They may interact with other anti-inflammatory drugs, antacids, anticoagulant drugs and certain vaccines.

Possible side-effects? Water retention, tissue swelling and raised blood pressure. Long-term use can cause the adrenal gland to stop producing natural corticosteroids. The drug is usually withdrawn on a gradual basis to give the body time to adjust.

Long-term use at high doses can cause mood changes, acne, a moon-shaped face, peptic ulcers, muscle wasting, osteoporosis and bruising.

Dr Muiris Houston

Alternative Remedy:


What is it? A perennial herb which grows prolifically in Ireland. The oil is extracted by steam distillation from the flowering herb. The dried leaves are also used either in infusions or in tincture form as a herbal remedy.

What is it good for? Peppermint is widely used as a digestive aid. It relieves colic, dyspepsia, flatulence and nausea. It is also used for muscle pain, respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, sinusitis and spasmodic coughs. It is also used to treat halitosis (bad breath) and as an insect repellent.

How does it work? Peppermint has several properties including analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, astringent and decongestant - all of which act together to relieve pain and alleviate infection.

Any contraindications? Peppermint cannot be used with homeopathic remedies due to its strong taste and odour. Peppermint oil should not be used for babies and toddlers.

Possible side-effects? Although non-toxic and non-irritant, some people can be sensitive to peppermint. Patch test a small area of skin before using the aromatherapy oil.

Sylvia Thompson