'Garnimh' wins radio competition for misspelt road signs in Irish

A competition run by a midwest radio station inviting listeners to submit misspelt Irish words on road signs has received a huge…

A competition run by a midwest radio station inviting listeners to submit misspelt Irish words on road signs has received a huge response.

The large National Roads Authority sign indicating the N63 route to Galway city carried the lettering "Garnimh" when it should read "Gaillimh", was deemed the biggest mistake in the competition run by Mid West Radio.

Tommy Marren, presenter of the current affairs programme on which the mistake was highlighted, said the response showed that people are angered by the incorrect spelling of placenames in Irish. "There is a belief out there that it's carelessness and disinterest that allows such mistakes. At first when I got calls on this issue I thought that it was just a blip here or there, but the number of calls made me realise that the problem is widespread and is not being addressed or rectified by anyone."

Former Raidió Na Gaeltachta broadcaster Seán Ó Healaí, who adjudicated the competition, said: "It's my opinion that many of the road signs are so badly misspelt that they may be deemed illegal."


A spokesperson for the NRA said yesterday: "The Department of the Environment advise us on the spelling of all placenames."