Room rates in Jurys Croke Park : It irritates me how businesses can justify pricing like this - €450 for a single night is simply…

Room rates in Jurys Croke Park: It irritates me how businesses can justify pricing like this - €450 for a single night is simply ridiculous. - Anthony McG

Nobody is forcing him to pay €450. If few enough people are willing to pay the price then it will drop, but, from the hotel's response, the demand is there. - Tom

Would you rather we had a Department of Central Planning for Hotel Prices During Events? Maybe we could enforce a "fair" rate, such that profitable competitive enterprise (that is, increasing supply) wouldn't be feasible? Why don't you just come out and say it straight, you miss the good old days of communism, Stalin, and strong state power to crush free enterprise! Only in Ireland, I guess, are such hopes still burning. I hope. - Barry Kelly