Belfast sectarian graffiti to be removed

Loyalist graffiti at a notorious Belfast sectarian flashpoint is to be removed in a bid to reduce tensions in the area, it was…

Loyalist graffiti at a notorious Belfast sectarian flashpoint is to be removed in a bid to reduce tensions in the area, it was announced tonight.

Paramilitary groups such as the UDA, UVF and Red Hand Commando have agreed to the move at the interface in east Belfast.

In some cases the sectarian graffiti will be replaced by murals depicting local celebrities such as former soccer star George Best.

The Reverend Gary Mason, chairman of the Inner East Belfast Forum, said the decision had been taken to reduce interface violence.


"This violence is going to lose jobs and has lost jobs for both communities. It is counter-productive and those within loyalist paramilitarism I have been speaking to realise that.

"They realise that ultimately we are going to ghettoise these areas unless we clean them up." East Belfast Ulster Unionist Assembly member Sir Reg Empey welcomed the effort to reduce community tensions.