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BERNICE HARRISON on alternatives to movies and the mall

BERNICE HARRISONon alternatives to movies and the mall

Trinity Week

Next week is Trinity Week, and this year the Dublin university is holding a children’s event that sounds as if it could do exactly what it intends: help to demystify the city-centre institution and make it a less intimidating place for small children.

For Trinity Treasure Trail, which is aimed at eight- to 12-year-olds, participants are given a map with clues that will take them all over the oldest parts of the campus; 15 questions will help them find some of the most curious sights in the extensive grounds, including the smallest graveyard in Ireland.


The trail should take an hour of running around and solving clues. Participation is free, and the hunt runs for the duration of Trinity Week, from Monday until next Saturday. See tcd.ie/longroomhub.

After that, make time for a visit to Trinity’s Science Gallery, on Pearse Street, which has an astonishing exhibition showing the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef, in Australia. The amazing thing is that the reef has been crocheted from wool. It’s the most colourful, astonishing woolly wonder you’re likely to see. The Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef exhibition continues until June 11th. sciencegallery.com.