What the Tweeters are giving up for Lent (and no it's not Twitter)

SMALL PRINT: WE CONDUCTED a Twitter vox pop (filtering out the many responses of people completely apathetic to the idea of …

SMALL PRINT:WE CONDUCTED a Twitter vox pop (filtering out the many responses of people completely apathetic to the idea of giving something up for Lent) to discover what the Twitter masses will be forgoing from this Wednesday until Easter.

Rioghnach Ní Ghriogh: Fretting. It's going to be forty days of Zen. I hope. *chews nails*

Vickey Curtis: Swearing

Lorna Bourke:Gave up Lent many Lents ago


Danielle Barron:Not religious but always give up straightening my hair. Crispy locks be damned.

Amanda Coleen:TG caption sites – bet you don't see that answer too often. And, yeah, necromancy. Also the 'trash' in my diet.

Tony McGuinness:Daily mass.

Ryan John Nelson:Carrier bags. Every year I try not to use new ones in Lent and end up carrying old ones around with me like some mad bag lady.

Doug Whelan: Having or spending any legal tender.

kDamo: Ireland.

Ailbhe Malone:Fizzy drinks and crisps.

Concubhar Ó Liathain:anger, ranting etc. It's going to be difficult!

Paul Coughlan: Just the usual, sweets and fizzy drinks.

Milene Fegan: I am giving up social media, twitter and f-in Facebook, a trusted friend is changing my password and settings, so no cheating.

Dan Leydon: Existential dread.

Aine O'Connell: I say carbs every year. I usually last about three days.

Sarah:Organised religion.

Will St Leger: I gave up The Smiths for a month last year. Worst timing ever, never again.

Mark Dunne:giving up anything sugary more or less.

Conor Fuller: Family Guy.Only messing I'm far too agnostic for that!

Tim Forde: Giving up Secular Militancy for 40 days.

Gary Wynne:if Roisin Shortall has her way we will all be giving up alcohol.

B:Bread I haven't made myself, biscuits and cakes in work.

Billie Sparks: Cursing. Really f**king hard though!

Mic Wright: Anxiety. I'm giving up anxiety for lent.

Caoimhe Ni Dhonaill:takeaway food.

Ronan Fitzgerald: celibacy.

Emily O'Callaghan:Men.