Home Truths

Red light bulbs take a shine to geopathic stress, says Edel Morgan

Red light bulbs take a shine to geopathic stress, says Edel Morgan

IT TURNS out my house has geopathic stress. I'm not sure if I should really be publicising it because the way the market is going if we ever decide to sell up. I'm imagining a future scenario where a potential buyer uses it as ammunition to negotiate another few thousand off the asking price. "You can't expect us to buy this geopathic stress bucket for that price?", I can just hear them saying.

On June 19th I wrote about how a VEGA allergy tester told me that my youngest son, now 18 months old, who suffers from eczema, had one of the highest readings for geopathic stress she had ever seen in a young child and she believed it was coming from our house. She offered to come to our house on her day off to check it out.

Geopathic stress apparently affects a property when the earth's vibrations get distorted by electromagnetic fields caused by subterranean running water, fault lines or underground cavities. While she wasn't suggesting this geopathic stress was causing his eczema, she said it was affecting his ability to fight off the skin condition.


It's apparently crucial to clear the area around your bed of geopathic stress because it can attack the body at night and, long term, can weaken the immune system and leave people more prone to illnesses including cancer, asthma, mental illness and diseases of the central nervous system.

She suggested we place a red bulb in the corner of the sittingroom and leave it on all day and night when we're in the house which she explained would counteract the harmful positive ions in the house.

The article prompted a big response, with about 90 per cent of those who e-mailed me wanting to know more and 10 per cent calling me irresponsible for giving it column space.

But as conventional medicine wasn't offering much apart from steroid topical creams and emulsifying baths (which have their place), I decided to keep an open mind and we placed a red bulb in the downstairs sittingroom as instructed.

Of course the man in our local electrical shop had a field day when I asked for two red bulbs (one and a spare), and surmised aloud to his colleague as to why there might be a "sudden run" on red bulbs in the area.

The VEGA lady finally came to my house in July with her dowsing rods and shuddered as soon as she walked into the sittingroom. I'm hoping it was just the geopathic stress, and not the decor that was affecting her, but as soon as she walked towards the chimney breast, the dowsing rods started to go into overdrive, crossing over each other.

We then went upstairs to the kids' bedroom, and again they went doo-lally around my 18-month-old's cot, with some movement around my other son's bed.

When we switched the red bulb on, she tested again and said it wasn't covering a wide enough area and recommended we place another red bulb at the other end of the sittingroom.

A curious sight for visitors as you can imagine.

Do I believe that all of this tricking around with red bulbs has helped my son's eczema?

I don't honestly know but his skin has improved, which it could be argued is as a result of the yeast-free, sugar-free, mostly dairy-free diet and the supplements he was on for several months.

A follow up test showed his geopathic stress levels had dropped from over 1,000 to just 30.

Whatever the reason, future buyers of our house (if we ever sell up) take note. Ask for a discount on the grounds of geopathic stress and I'll be handing you a year's supply of red bulbs.