Share your story: Have you lost someone during the pandemic?

The Irish Times wants to hear from readers about their experiences of grief during the pandemic

This is a strange and difficult time for everyone, and a heartbreaking one for those who have lost someone they loved.

The Irish Times wants to hear from readers about their experiences of grief during a pandemic, when the rituals that usually help to cushion the early, raw pain of the death of a loved one – community support, togetherness with family and friends, a traditional funeral, the physical touch of others – are not available in the same way.

Whether your loved one died as a result of Covid-19 or something else, we’d like to hear from you about how the pandemic shaped your experience of mourning and bereavement.

How have you coped? What have been the hardest parts about it? What was the experience of arranging a funeral like? What, if anything, has offered your solace?


Unfortunately, it may not be possible to publish every submission we receive, but if yours has been selected, we may contact you to arrange a follow up interview. Please include a phone number.

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Thank you.

Jennifer O'Connell

Jennifer O'Connell

Jennifer O’Connell is Opinion Editor with The Irish Times