Crosaire No 17568 by Crossheir – Friday, May 7th, 2021

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication

8 The Examiner's (the examiners = JUDGES) in court going through the motions? (JUDGES),

9 Picking out (CHOOSING) off-colour (= anagram indicator) chinos (chinos = CH-OSIN-) including orange top (‘Orange’ top = -O-) for golf (-G) (CHOOSING),

10 Lippy type (EDGE) from golf club (wedge) dropped the first one (w) (‘wedge ‘without ‘w’ = EDGE),

11 Asian flower (flower/river INDUS-) samples (-TRIES) (INDUSTRIES) derived from those doing their business around the estate (INDUSTRIES),


12 Seller from artesian well (‘Seller’ from ‘artesian well’ = atianw = TAIWAN) in Asian country (TAIWAN),

14 Sidney (S-ID) admits pressure (-P-) to extend credit (-LEND-) (SPLENDID) outstanding (SPLENDID),

15 American (A-) on the wagon (sober = SOBER), guarded by foreign regiment (SAS = -S AS) along front (‘Along’ front = A), meets most of 8 across (most of ‘judges’ = JUDGE) (AS SOBER AS A JUDGE) from Temperance State? (AS SOBER AS A JUDGE),

18 Even Gulf (even Gulf) doctor (= anagram indicator) (even Gulf = VENGEFUL) can be unforgiving (VENGEFUL),

20 Given a job overseas (POSTED overseas) by crazy (= anagram indicator) despot (despot = POSTED),

22 Detectives (Dis = DIS-) employed by the army on the battlefield (-ORDERLY) (DISORDERLY) all over the place (DISORDERLY),

24 Consumes inside quite a lot (consumes inside ‘quiTE A Lot’ = TEAL) of wild duck (TEAL),

25 A French (‘a’ French = -UN-) and a German (‘a’ German = ein) reflection (= reverse indicator) (ein = -NIE-) by Old Bob (‘old bob’ = shilling = -S-) in the paper (Financial Times = F-T) (FUNNIEST) is most amusing (FUNNIEST),

26 Turns over (= reversal indicator) top strip (top ‘Strip’ = -S) joint (elbow), for the most part (w) (‘elbow’ without ‘w’ = elbo = -OBLE-), taking direction (direction North = N-) (NOBLES) from figures of the court (NOBLES).

1 Plain (TUNDRA) ewer removed from under water ('ewer' removed from 'under water' = undrat = TUNDRA),

2 Stuffed into leather goods (stuffed into ‘leathER GOods’ = ergo) switched (= reverse indicator) (ergo = OGRE) by pantomime villain (OGRE),

3 A (A-) Genesis (Genesis) medley (= anagram indicator) (Genesis = -SSIGNEE) (ASSIGNEE) produced by a gent working for another? (‘a gent’ = ‘agent’ working for another = ASSIGNEE),

4 Discourage dropping rogue’s (‘discourage’ dropping ‘rogues’ = dica = ACID) LSD (ACID),

5 All that remains (FOSSIL) of a type of aluminium material (aluminium foil = FO- IL) wrapped around ship (-SS-) (FOSSIL),

6 Roasts tuna (roasts tuna) bake (= anagram indicator) (roasts tuna = ASTRONAUTS) for those going on a journey that’s out of this world (ASTRONAUTS),

7 Underestimating a Bandon stadium (‘underestimating’ abandon ‘stadium’ = nereting = ENTERING) on the way in (ENTERING),

13 It’s not good (WRONGDOING) for those in 8 across (judges) to make a judgement call on this (WRONGDOING),

14 Sample of Italian sandwiches (sample of ‘itaLIAN Sandwiches’ = lians) served up (= reverse indicator) (lians = SNAIL) with escargot (SNAIL),

16 Small (S-) debts (IOUs = -IOUS) in the end (= positional indicator) mushroom (cep) up? (= reversal indicator) (cep = -PEC-) (SPECIOUS) That could be true but it’s not! (SPECIOUS),

17 Filling out forms (APPLYING) for a (A-) father (Parish Priest = -PP-) writing fiction (-LYING) (APPLYING),

19 Opponent (FO-E-) admits theologian (Doctor of Divinity = -DD-) encounters resistance (-R) (FODDER) to Hay (FODDER),

21 The French (le = -EL) lion has one (mane = ENAM-) raised (= reverse indicator) (ENAMEL) in canine coat? (canine tooth cover/coat = ENAMEL),

23 Truant’s losing nut (‘truants’ losing ‘nut’ = rats = RATS) with informers (RATS),

24 Instrument (TUBA) for serving up (= reversal indicator) sample of cocoa butter (sample of ‘cocoA BUTter’ = abut = TUBA).