Crosaire No 17483 by Crossheir – Thursday, January 28th, 2021

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 Bullies (FORCES) might (might/power = FORCE-) go to school (-S) (FORCES),

4 Greece (Greece) reports (= homophone indicator) (‘Greece’ = ‘grease’ = OIL-) judge (-GAUGE) (OIL-GAUGE) ­– the one measuring the pressure rising in The System (OIL-GAUGE),

9 Bandage (SWATHE) in hospitals ultimately (‘hospitalS’ ultimately = S-) wrong (= anagram indicator) – what? (what = -WATH-) Yes (yes), that’s the heart of it! (e) (heart of ‘yEs’ = -E) (SWATHE),

10 Incorrectly accounts for (MISREADS) side arms (side arms) going off (= anagram indicator) (side arms = MISREADS),


12 Noticed (saw) revolutionary (= reverse indicator) (saw = WAS-) hotel (-H-) fabric (-CLOTH) (WASHCLOTH) and bathroom linen produced in New York (‘facecloth’ in US = WASHCLOTH),

13 More hemps without hops (‘more hemps’ without ‘hops’ = mreem = EMMER) or wheat? (EMMER),

14 Those found in 11 down (FISH found in ‘goldfish bowl’) as well as (AND) flakes (CHIPS) (FISH AND CHIPS) produced in Italian restaurant (FISH AND CHIPS),

18 Fatality associated with the March cuts (JULIUS CAESAR was stabbed by Brutus and Cassius, among others, on the Ides of March), we were given his name a month after June? (July named after JULIUS CAESAR),

21 Dopey is one (IDIOT) gnome leaving in good time (‘gnome’ leaving ‘in good time’ = iodti = IDIOT),

22 Reports (= homophone indicator) Hugh (‘Hugh’ = ‘hue’ = HUE) Andrew (AND -Y) over credit (CR-) (HUE AND CRY) racket (HUE AND CRY),

24 Revolutionary (-CHE-) writing (from the 3Rs = -R-) from rebellious (= reverse indicator) Australia (Oz = -ZO-) found in ship (SS = S-S) (SCHERZOS) produced by a number of movements (SCHERZOS),

25 Turns up (= reversal indicator), one (-I) pool (money/pot = -TOP-) is cold (-C-) for duck (duck = O-) (OCTOPI) and a number of molluscs (OCTOPI),

26 Young lady (miss = MIS-S) covers beach in Ireland (Irish ‘beach’ = trá = -TRA-) primarily likened (primarily ‘Likened’ = -L-) (MISTRALS) to those windy types in France (MISTRALS),

27 Support (CRUTCH) shout (cry) endlessly (y) (‘cry’ without ‘y’ = CR-) for European people (Dutch) with no leader (d) (‘Dutch’ without ‘d’ = -UTCH) (CRUTCH).


1 Opens 14 across (opens ‘fish and chips’ = FISH-) for mate (-WIFE) (FISHWIFE) – a coarse type that shouts she’s married to one of the swimmers! (FISHWIFE),

2 Take another look at (REASSESS) those characters taken in by Ulysses’s AE Russell (those characters taken in by ‘ulySSESS AE Russell = ssessaer) in retrospect (= reverse indicator) (ssessaer = REASSESS) (REASSESS),

3 Oriental (East = E-), short (k), obtuse (thick) (‘thick’ without ‘k’ = -THIC) (ETHIC) moral standard (ETHIC),


6 Eden (GARDEN of Eden) Project – the first (‘Project’ the first = P-) to open exhibition (open ‘Exhibition’ = -E-) on a (-A) (GARDEN PEA) mangetout (GARDEN PEA),

7 Takes pieces from (UNARMS) organisation (United Nations = UN-) with a number of growing concerns (farms) starting off (f) (‘farms’ without ‘f’ = -ARMS) (UNARMS),

8 Make certain (ENSURE) point-to-point (East + North = EN-) is on firm ground (-SURE) (ENSURE),

11 Precious type (GOLD-) gets to cod (-FISH) and spin (spin/bowl in cricket = BOWL) (GOLDFISH BOWL) in a place that lacks privacy (GOLDFISH BOWL),

15 Is not faithful (ADULTERER) to grown-up (ADULT-) with two cockney girls (‘er’ and ‘er’ = -ERER) (ADULTERER),

16 Browbeat (PSYCH OUT) president (P-) getting to raise voice (shout = -S-H OUT) about Cyprus (CY) review (= reverse indicator) (CY = -YC-) (PSYCH OUT),

17 One of those as red as a lobster (CRAYFISH) caught (C-) bit of sunlight (-RAY) at the beginning of 14 across (beginning of ‘fish and chips’ = -FISH) (CRAYFISH),

19 The Chinese made a meal of this (DIM SUM) manuscript (MS = -M S-) from university (-U-) found in dark (dim = DI- -M) (DIM SUM),

20 Drops a line (FISHES) to those in 11 down (FISHES found in ‘goldfish bowl’),

23 Had to get out of Red China (‘had’ to get out of ‘Red China’ = recin = NICER), as it’s comparatively more friendly in this state (NICER).