Crosaire No 17465 by Crossheir – Thursday, January 7th, 2021

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 U-turns from suburbanites (‘uturns’ from ‘suburbanites’ = bbaies = BABIES) – the new arrivals (BABIES),

4 Gloss (SHE-EN) over a follower (‘a’ follower is -B-) taking ecstasy (-E-) on bender (-S bend) (SHEBEENS) from illegal suppliers (SHEBEENS),

9 Ruth comes out from underneath (‘Ruth’ comes out from ‘underneath’ = ndenea = ENNEAD) the nine of them? (a group of nine = ENNEAD),

10 As a matter of priority (URGENTLY) for old city (UR-) in Belgium (Ghent) lacking hotel (h) (‘Ghent’ lacking ‘h’ = -GENT-) with large (-L-) yard (-Y) (URGENTLY),


12 Education programme (-COURSE) for detectives (Dis = DIS-) open (= position indicator (DISCOURSE) to debate (DISCOURSE),

13 Short punchy type (knockout = KO-) campaigned (-RAN) (KORAN) for holy book (KORAN),

14 Most of those in 24 across (most ‘Italians’ = ITALIAN) take 20 down (breads) endlessly (s) (‘breads’ without ‘s’ = BREAD) (ITALIAN BREAD) with Focaccia (ITALIAN BREAD),

18 One (I-) statuesque (tall = -T ALL) retiring (= reverse indicator) editor (Ed = DE-) to write (-PEN-) to detective? (-DS) (IT ALL DEPENDS) Check it out, as it may or may not be true! (IT ALL DEPENDS),

21 No lease for aeroplane’s (no ‘lease’ for ‘aeroplanes’ = ropan = APRON) parking space at the airport (APRON),

22 Swindler (CON ARTIST) drained of colour (ran), back (= reverse indicator) (ran = - N AR-) in bed (cot = CO- -T) and is (-IS-) taking last tablet (last ‘tableT’ = -T) (CON ARTIST),

24 One (I-) atlas in (atlas in) production (= anagram indicator) (atlas in = -TALIANS) (ITALIANS) for the French neighbours (ITALIANS),

25 Emerge (APPEAR) with a (A-) starter of passion (starter of ‘Passion’ = -P-) fruit (-PEAR) (APPEAR),

26 Tense (tense) play (= anagram indicator) (tense = -SENTE-) taken in by Lincoln (Abe Lincoln = AB-E) (ABSENTEE) – The Man Who Wasn’t There? (ABSENTEE),

27 Dress (= anagram indicator) circle (circle = CLERIC) for The Steward of Christendom (CLERIC).


1 Run one’s eyes over (-READ-) hostelry (B&B = B-B-) outside with fashionable (-IN) (BREAD BIN) place to park the Rolls (rolls in BREAD BIN),

2 Outlaw (BAN-) damns (damns) foreign (= anagram indicator) (damns = -DSMAN) (BANDSMAN) soldier banging his drum (BANDSMAN),

3 Some deliver a token (some ‘delivER A TOken’ = ERATO) source of poetic inspiration (muse of lyrical poetry = ERATO)

5 Shrewd bargaining (HORSE-TRADING) by Arabian (HORSE -) doing a bit of dealing (TRADING) (HORSE-TRADING),

6 What to do after campaign (after a campaign/war, soldiers BREAK CAMP) with party (CAMP) split (BREAK) from the start (= position indicator) (BREAK CAMP),

7 Diner (EATERY) from steelyard drops LSD (‘steelyard’ drops ‘LSD’ = teeyar = EATERY),

8 Cutting to pieces (slaying) without large (l) (‘slaying’ without ‘l’ = SAYING) saw (saw/proverb = SAYING),

11 They say this is how the light gets in (TRANSLUCENCE) – I can’t see it, as it’s not completely transparent? (TRANSLUCENCE),

15 Plan (INTENT-) starts with invasion of Normandy (starts with ‘Invasion Of Normandy’ = -ION) (INTENTION) and malice aforethought (INTENTION),

16 Greene (Greene) novel (= anagram indicator) (Greene = ENG-EER) about popular (-IN-) (ENGINEER) designer (ENGINEER),

17 Recites (recites) adaptation (= anagram indicator) (recites = ES-TERIC) about old (-O-) (ESOTERIC) stuff that’s puzzling to most (ESOTERIC),

19 An important ingredient in some of those in 20 down (FARINA is a flour in some ‘breads’) or for the breakfast (FARINA),

20 Those kept in 1 down (BREADS kept in ‘bread bin’), as wet getting off waterbeds (‘wet’ getting off ‘waterbeds’ = arbeds = BREADS),

23 It holds the line (fishing reel = RE-EL) around park (-P-) (REPEL) to ward off intruders (REPEL).