Crosaire No 17213 by Crossheir – Tuesday, March 17th, 2020

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 Pressure (DURESS) to get top upholstery (top ‘Upholstery’ = -U-) into Mini (D-RESS) (DURESS),

4 French (F-) bank (Allied Irish Banks = AIB) held up (= reverse indicator) (AIB = BI A-) by lady’s man (-GENT) (FBI AGENT) – the one employed by overseas government to fight crime? (FBI AGENT),

9 Send for (CALL UP) revolutionary (= reverse indicator) Yank (yank/pull = -LL UP) with a (-A-) colt (C-) (CALL UP),

10 Unfair (= anagram indicator) tension (tension = ESTONI-N) over a (-A-) (ESTONIAN) person from Eastern Europe (ESTONIAN),


12 Heat anvil (heat anvil) recycling  (= anagram indicator) (heat anvil = LEVIATHAN) a monstrous type (LEVIATHAN),

13 Slice of dessert or tea brack (slice of ‘dessert or tea brack’ = TORTE) or rich cake (TORTE),

14 Sounds like a lengthy queue in The Barracks (LONG DIVISION) for some of the tables (LONG DIVISION tables),

18 Passage (TUNNEL) from 20 down (‘vision’ = VISION) (TUNNEL VISION) is far from the full view (TUNNEL VISION),

21 Mourns leaving nursing home (‘mourns’ leaving ‘nursing home’ = nighe = NEIGH) to the sound of The Bay? (the sound of The Bay/horse = NEIGH),

22 Exhibit at the fete (CAKE STAND) in Madeira (CAKE) to remain in force (to STAND) (CAKE STAND),

24 Has a go at (tries = TRI-ES) covering up type of sleep (rapid eye movements = -REM-) (TRIREMES) produced by old Roman crafty types (TRIREMES),

25 Neighbour of Romanian (Serb = S-ERB) admits taking top off (c) trophy (‘cup’ without ‘c’ = -UP-) (SUPERB) and smashing? (SUPERB),

26 Left (L-) individual (-ONE-) with a handful of (-SOME) (LONESOME) missing people (LONESOME),

27 Rugby player in the middle (CENTRE) of recent (recent) action (= anagram indicator) (recent = CENTRE).


1 In a timid way (DOCILELY), medic (DOC-) takes ill (ill) briefly (l) (‘ill’ without ‘l’ = - IL-) near a place in Dublin (-ELY Place) (DOCILELY),

2 It’s about (RE-) that part of the Mediterranean (Eastern Med = -LEVANT) (RELEVANT) that’s connected (RELEVANT),

3 Scandalous ignoring colds (‘scandalous’ ignoring ‘colds’ = anaus = SAUNA) in hot spot (SAUNA),

5 Professional (BUSINESSLIKE) with racket (BUSINESS-), for example (-LIKE) (BUSINESSLIKE),

6 Asian leader (‘Asian’ leader = A-) is in favour of (FOR-) crushing (= anagram indicator) riot (riot = -TIOR-) on island (-I) (A FORTIORI) – it’s the most convincing conclusion (A FORTIORI),

7 Asylum-seeker (ÉMIGRÉ) is not bad, withdrawing from board meeting (‘not bad’ withdrawing from ‘board meeting’ = rmeeig = ÉMIGRÉ),

8 Dig (TUNNEL) opening for 18 across (opening for ‘tunnel vision’  = TUNNEL),

11 Bellow (bellow/scream = S- CREAM) admits being in possession (-HAVING) (SHAVING CREAM) of bathroom product (SHAVING CREAM),

15 The guard’s (the guards) wild (= anagram indicator) (the guards = DAUGHTERS), close relations (DAUGHTERS),

16 Bit of a yarn (lint = LI-NT) about football (-GAME-) (LIGAMENT) is close to the bone (LIGAMENT),

17 Edward (-NED-) is one (-I-) barman (Bachelor of Laws = -BL-) in Ireland ( = -I-E) (INEDIBLE) not fit to serve (INEDIBLE),

19 Gradually promote idea (INSTIL) from Vogue (trend/fashion = IN-) employed by the brewing industry (still) for the most part (l) (‘still’ without ‘l’ = -STIL) (INSTIL),

20 Ghost (VISION) picture? (VISION),

23 Pan-fry (SAUTÉ) in a suet (a suet) mix (= anagram indicator) (a suet = SAUTE).