Survey finds 14% of employees spend over an hour on social media at work

Almost two-thirds of workers think smoking breaks at work should be banned

Is spending time on social media during work hours work or play? Photograph: Mike Segar/Reuters

One in seven employees spend more than an hour on social media during work hours, according to a new survey by recruitment firm CPL.

CPL’s Employment Market Monitor for the fourth quarter 2014 found 14 per cent of employees use social media for more than one hour each day.

The survey also found that 50 per cent of people would reject a job offer if the interview process was too long or took more than three interviews.

Location, insultingly low salary offers and negative social media commentary about employers were also factors in the jobseeker’s decision-making process.


The survey findings also show that 60 per cent of workers believe smoking breaks should be banned and that such breaks are unfair due to the amount of time smokers were away from their work duties.

Other annoying co-worker habits were punctuality issues (59 per cent), body odour (55 per cent) and constant chat (43 per cent).

CPL Resources director Peter Cosgrove said that employers may need to review ICT policies particularly when it comes to use of company devices and networks.

“It is also very interesting that the use of social media at work is relatively low.”