The political authority

Madam, – Damian Loscher’s description of the latest IrishTimes/TNS mrbi opinion poll results as confirmation of “a seismic shift…

Madam, – Damian Loscher’s description of the latest IrishTimes/TNS mrbi opinion poll results as confirmation of “a seismic shift in Ireland’s political landscape” (Home News, September 3rd) is hardly accurate.

While there is welcome evidence of some shift to the Left, with increases for Sinn Féin, Labour and Independents, the bulk of the electorate seem content to swap the failed free market politics of Fianna Fáil for the failed free market politics of Fine Gael! The political establishment will hardly be quaking in their boots at this prospect.

When you also consider that Labour has made no secret of the fact that it will be content to put Fine Gael back into power rather than build a genuine Left alternative, it becomes clear that politics are, as yet, set to continue in much the same way as they always have. – Yours, etc,


Inis Cluain,


Co Limerick.