Sir, How ironic and instructive that Maire GeogheganQuinn should exemplify (June 9th) the misogyny in Irish politics and society…

Sir, How ironic and instructive that Maire GeogheganQuinn should exemplify (June 9th) the misogyny in Irish politics and society that Nuala O'Faolain rightly bemoans - and on the very same page too.

Funny how the Labour Party ministers at whom Ms Geoghegan Quinn chose to aim her bile were women. Fair play to ye, Maire! Proof, if ever it were needed, that when it comes to misogyny, and the doing down of up pity women, the sisters are more than capable of doing it for themselves.

By the way, Maire, whatever the failings of Burton, Breathnach et al, at least they had the courage to actually face the electorate, which is more than can he said of your good self. Thus, though it may be hard for an exMinister such as yourself, a little humility and a little less schaderifieude wouldn't go amiss. - Yours, etc.,

Wellington Place,



Dublin 4.