British fishing limits and territorial waters

Sir, – The British want to stop us fishing within 12 miles of their coast. I know a few lads that fish off Dún Laoghaire pier that will have to modify their casting techniques. – Yours, etc,


Sandyford, Co Dublin.

Sir, – I note with interest that the British government is ending an agreement (which predates the country’s EU/EEC membership) that lets the Irish, among others, share fishing rights in their respective territorial waters. I also seem to remember in the past year the British government reviving a claim to the entirety of Lough Foyle, even though the coastline is shared with the Republic. So what are we to expect now – gunboats in Lough Foyle arresting Irish fishermen for doing their job off their own coast? I’d love to know where this ends as, with all things Brexit-related, I don’t think the ideologues at the top of the current UK administration have thought things through to their logical conclusion. And when is the Irish Government going to stand up more forthrightly to this belligerence? – Yours, etc,


