Air Attacks On Iraq

Sir, - To paraphrase Napoleon, morality is on the side of the heavier cannon.

Sir, - To paraphrase Napoleon, morality is on the side of the heavier cannon.

For far too long the despot Saddam Hussein had the heavier cannon, causing countless innocent deaths (including members of his own family) and destruction around about him. Now this evil megalomaniac has not got the heavier cannon but, by way of substitution, has cunningly and sinfully introduced into his "armoury" the thousands of children dying for lack of medicines, supposedly due to sanctions by Western countries against Iraq.

Those who are protesting, and rightly so, against the suffering of the children are not very audible in complaining, for example, about the dictator's many luxurious palaces. The historians will write the final chapter. - Yours, etc., Richard Devlin,

Kenilworth Square, Rathgar, Dublin 6.