A Christian education

Madam, – I have noted a downright tone in some of your recent correspondents in their criticism of the inclusion of Christian…

Madam, – I have noted a downright tone in some of your recent correspondents in their criticism of the inclusion of Christian education in the timetable of our Irish primary schools. This is an issue about which our Minister for Education, Ruairí Quinn is at present understandably exercised.

It may be of interest to readers to be apprised of a recent development in modern-day Russia. Its department of education has decided that from 2012 religious education will be offered in all Russian schools. This announcement follows a successful trial for a year of the provision of religious education in classrooms nationwide. This major Russian education initiative is, as I understand, an affirmation of the positive social and civic value afforded by knowledge of the Christian faith tradition among Russian schoolgoers.

Given that country’s religious history from 1918 to 1989 this significant move by the Russian government has about it something of an ironic flavour. – Yours, etc,

TOM STACK, Milltown Parish Centre, Dublin 6.