Damage Inc: Pacific Squadron WWII

12 cert, Trickster Games, Xbox 360 (also PS3) **

12 cert, Trickster Games, Xbox 360 (also PS3) **

“Pa was a farmer . . .” says the voiceover, setting the tone for Damage Inc. Yes sir, this game will bring you back to the good ol’ days. Just like old times the voice acting is ropey; special editions come with a retro joystick controller; and (astoundingly) the Japanese are referred to as “Japs”. After a far from comprehensive flying tutorial, you’re thrown into the action – defending Pearl Harbour, and later flying in other iconic locations. Press material for Damage Inc boasts of historical accuracy, and for all we know, successfully shooting another plane might be as difficult as swatting a fly while bouncing on a trampoline. Simply put, the controls are awkward and gameplay is repetitive, as you negotiate your wavering plane through the skies in search of enemies, only for them to whizz past you like modern day fighters. Damage Inc has a sincere tone and some powerful imagery, but it’s ultimately a letdown. It is responsible for one milestone: I changed the cumbersome control settings a record four times while playing.