Blair may visit Stormont talks

There is speculation that the British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, might join the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, on a visit to the Stormont…

There is speculation that the British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, might join the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, on a visit to the Stormont talks next week. Mr Blair, in accordance with customary practice, declined to comment on rumours of a planned visit to the North last night when he spoke to journalists at the Anglo-Irish InterParliamentary Body in London.

He welcomed the announcement of progress made in the talks at Stormont yesterday and expressed confidence in further progress.

He defended his forthcoming meeting with the Sinn Fein president, Mr Gerry Adams, and said it was right to treat all parties to the process on an equal basis. He said he would emphasise the need for Sinn Fein to continue to adhere to peaceful, democratic means.