Share your story: Do you have a funny or unusual Valentine’s Day story?

We are asking you to share your real-life memories of February 14th

This Monday is Valentine’s Day, and that means love is in the air.

Doesn’t it?

Well, maybe. For some people.

For every rom-com-style fairytale that’s set around the middle of February, there’s also the date from hell that someone will forever associate with the annual fundraiser for companies that make luxury chocolates.


We’re asking you to share your real-life stories of awkward, amusing or embarrassing memories of February 14th, for really no other reason than to amuse and entertain some of us on Monday – while the rest of you are trying to think of something romantic to write in a card.

Do you have a funny or strange (or, if you must, romantic) personal story to tell about Valentine’s Day?

Some of the submissions will be published on
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