The weekly movie quiz

By Donald Clarke

By Donald Clarke


1. In which film trilogy was Neo 'The One'?

2. "Protecting the Earth from the scum of the universe!" Who?


3. Identify the film-makers in the picture.

4. Which twisty 1995 thriller took its title from a famous line in Casablanca?

5. Who-or-what went bananas, went to Monte Carlo and rode again, before, much later, becoming fully loaded?

6. Which faded actor (and sometime boxer) received a boost last week when his latest film won the top prize at the Venice Film Festival?

7. On which 1960s artefact will you find Mae West standing beside Aleister Crowley and Fred Astaire standing beside Edgar Allan Poe?

8. Cal Trask, Jim Stark, Jett Rink. All the major roles of which dead icon?

9. Who is Bernard Shakey?

10. Hearts of Darknessis to Apocalypse Nowas Rain of Madnessis to what?


1. The Matrix

2. Men in Black

3. It's the Coen Brothers directing the upcoming Burn Before Reading.

4. The Usual Suspects

5. Herbie

6. Mickey Rourke

7. The cover of Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

8. James Dean

9. Neil Young. The singer uses this name when directing films.

10. Tropic Thunder. Rain of Madnessis a spoof documentary on the making of the film within Ben Stiller's upcoming comedy. Download it at