The A-Sides

Hallowe'en hi-jinks start tonight at the Beauty Spot in Columbia Mills with The Masquerade Beauty Ball featuring DJ Miss Ken …

Hallowe'en hi-jinks start tonight at the Beauty Spot in Columbia Mills with The Masquerade Beauty Ball featuring DJ Miss Ken D. The venue at Sir John Rogerson's Quay is turned into a 1930s speakeasy, with men in cravats, Betty Boop-style waitresses and lots of old-fashioned decadence.

Three of the best: Sack, Turn and The Mitcheners do a triple-header at the Temple Bar Music Centre tonight, in a rare convergence of lesser-spotted local talent.

Coming to Vicar St on December 9th are 1970s prog-rock legends Caravan, who brought us such boffo album titles as Cunning Stunts and If I Could Do It All Over Again, I'd Do It All Over You.