. Handel arrives by boat up the Liffey and is met - by horse drawn carriage (The Ferryman, 3 p.m.)

. Handel arrives by boat up the Liffey and is met - by horse drawn carriage (The Ferryman, 3 p.m.)

. A performance of the 1742 version of Messiah by candlelight with orchestra, eight soloists and an all male choir, conducted by Proinnsias O Duinn (Friday, Church of St Nicholas of Myra, Francis Street, 8 p.m.)

. Harmonious Handel: an introduction to Handel for children (Saturday, The Ark, 11 a.m.)

. Music on High: recital by organist Peter Sweeney and oboeist David Agnew (Saturday, St Werburgh's Church, Werburgh Street, noon)


. Recital by the internationally renowned Handel countertenor James Bowman (Saturday, Christ Church Cathedral, 7.30 p.m.)

. Messiah in the Street: the people of Dublin are invited to sing excerpts from Messiah on the site of the first performance (Sunday, Fishamble Street, noon)

. A performance of Judas Maccabaeus by Our Lady's Choral Society with orchestra and soloists, conductor Proinnsias O Duinn (Sunday, Church of St Nicholas of Myra, 3.15 p.m.)