Crosaire No 17794 by Crossheir – Thursday, January 27th, 2022

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication

1 Introduction to Trespasser (introduction to 'Trespasser' = T-) and Sons and Daughters (-ISSUE) (TISSUE) in the paper? (TISSUE),

4 Kitty (puss) retires (= reversal indicator) (puss = S-S UP) around lake (-L-) with frozen water (-ICE-) (SLICES UP) in sections (SLICES UP),

9 Kildare (K-E) contains elevated (= reversal indicator) ancient hill that’s famous (Tara = -ARAT-) (KARATE) for combat (KARATE),

10 Bar (OBSTACLE) by college (-C-) in Oblates’ (oblates) complex (= anagram indicator) (Oblates = OBSTA-LE) (OBSTACLE),


12 Raised (= reverse indicator) Ross (Ross = -SSOR) Ward (ER = -RE-) and George (-G-) Graves – the first (‘Graves’ the first letter = -G-), a (A-) (AGGRESSOR) warmonger (AGGRESSOR),

13 Characters in St Tropez – a majority (characters in ‘st tropEZ – A MAjority = ezama) retiring (= reverse indicator) (ezama = AMAZE) in shock (AMAZE),

14 Kind (AFFECTIONATE) of similar to 26 across from the start (similar to ‘soft sell’ from the start = ‘soft’ = AFFECTIONATE),

18 Link (ATTACH-) to English (-E) people who are sick (cases) (CASES) (ATTACHE CASES) being carried out of the embassy (ATTACHE CASES),

21 Leader’s deception and hypocrisy (leaders ‘Deception And Hypocrisy’ = -DAH-) inside Number 10 (IO = I-O) (IDAHO) or state of the Americans in Moscow? (Moscow is a city in IDAHO, US),

22 Uncorrupted state (INNOCENCE) of clean hands (INNOCENCE),

24 The gut feelings of the characters, for instance (EMOTIONS), in Love/Hate (EMOTIONS),

25 Pleasant smells (AROMAS) from a (A-) chipper (-ROMA-) at top of the Strand (top of the ‘Strand’ = -S) (AROMAS),

26 Felt loss (felt loss)? Fan (= anagram indicator) (felt loss = SOFT SELL) by a type of pitch! (SOFT SELL),

27 Motion detector (SENSOR) used up (= reverse indicator) by climbers (roses = SE-SOR) taking in summit of Nuptse (summit of ‘Nuptse’ = -N-) (SENSOR).

1 Almost (n) reserved (taken) ('taken' without 'n' = TAKE-) going out (-AWAY) (TAKEAWAY) with less (TAKEAWAY),

2 Take no notice of (SHRUG OFF) indifferent gesture (SHRUG) on holiday (OFF) (SHRUG OFF),

3 Free (UNTIE) to continue to release con (‘continue’ to release ‘con’ = tinue = UNTIE),

5 Describes The Maze (LABYRINTHINE) to those in 13 across (amaze) needing no introduction (a), similarly (‘amaze’ without ‘a’ = maze similarly = LABYRINTHINE),

6 Catch it (catch it = CATH-TIC) off (= anagram indicator) artist (RA) throwing up (= reverse indicator) (RA = -AR-) inside (CATHARTIC) – how is that an emotional relief? (CATHARTIC),

7 The gathering (The Gathering = SOCIAL) of nets from coastlines (‘nets’ from ‘coastlines’ = coasli = SOCIAL),

8 Peter’s (peters) treatment (= anagram indicator) (peters = PRESET) is arranged in advance (PRESET),

11 A (A-) Pole (South Pole = -S-) working as a detective (private investigator = -PI-) has reasonable (-RATIONAL) (ASPIRATIONAL) character of one who wants to be successful (ASPIRATIONAL),

15 Christian’s (Christians = CATHOLICS) faith (CATHOLIC-) school (-S) (CATHOLICS),

16 On reflection (= reverse indicator), one (-I-) fellow (man = -NAM-) you (you) hear (= homophone indicator) (‘you’ = ‘u’ = -U-) in ship (SS = -S-S) coming from Troy (T-) (TSUNAMIS) producing big waves overseas (TSUNAMIS),

17 Judge (ASSESS-) Ring (-O-) is writing (one of the 3Rs = -R) (ASSESSOR) for The Examiner (ASSESSOR),

19 Cried (cried  = CIDER-) out (= anagram indicator) at school (-S) (CIDERS) for apple drinks (CIDERS),

20 Don’t drink (LAY OFF) local plonk down (LAY-) on holiday (-OFF) (LAY OFF),

23 Church (Church of England = CE = C-E) overlooks old city (-UR-) for some initial (‘Some’ initial = -S) (CURSE) bad spell? (CURSE).