FROM THE ARCHIVES: The initial success of the German offensive in spring 1918 panicked the British government into announcing…

BIOGRAPHY:   Roger Casement: Imperialist, Rebel, Revolutionary, By Seamus O'Siochain, Lilliput Press, 656pp

The success of nationalist politicians, especially the East Mayo MP John Dillon, in preventing the British government from introducing…

History: Richard English has followed up his award-winning Armed Struggle: the History of the IRA with another survey of a vast…

One of the joyful results of writing any book on Irish history is that it puts one in touch with a cross-section of the learned…

`Comfortable recollections of Catholics and Dissenters fighting side by side for liberty in 1798 have been severely corroded …


The Irish Times ePaper

How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands

Inquests into the nightclub fire that led to the deaths of 48 people