Carry off a vintage baby carriage

THE NEWS in cyberspace is that there are “A-list celeb mums” on waiting lists for the new Dutch-made baby buggy, the Bugaboo …

THE NEWS in cyberspace is that there are “A-list celeb mums” on waiting lists for the new Dutch-made baby buggy, the Bugaboo Donkey, which is retailing for about €1,500. But for yummy mummies with class, vintage is best.

For the baby born with a silver spoon in its mouth, the auctioneers Adams Blackrock in south Co Dublin (where else?) is selling an Edwardian mahogany pram complete with green leather upholstery at auction next Tuesday.

The estimate is €350-€450 and a little more cash may have to be spent on restoration.

But these wheels are guaranteed to create envy among nannies and attract coos of delight from strollers in Herbert Park, Sandymount Green and other locations considered suitable for airing the infants of the chattering classes. – MP