Louise O’Neill: Why I love to. . . find stillness

‘I’ve had to think of different, healthier ways of dealing with anxiety’

Author Louise O’Neill manages stress with meditation, yoga, and running

While writing my new novel, Almost Love, and suffering with the longest bout of acute insomnia that I've ever experienced, I realised how much I had used my eating disorder in the past as a way of managing stress. In recovery, I've had to think of different, healthier ways of dealing with anxiety.

I have now found a method that works for me, but it consists of three different elements: meditation, yoga, and running.

Louise O’Neill takes a sunrise yoga class at 7am four times a week

I try to meditate every day, and I take a sunrise yoga class at 7am four times a week. That takes care of my busy mind, gifting me with pockets of stillness that are invaluable.

However, I still find that a lot of nervous energy tends to build up in my body, so I need to sweat it out. I’m a member of the gym at the Inchydoney Lodge and Spa and I go at least five times a week.


I run on the treadmill for 30 minutes, lift weights for another 15, and then I swan off to the relaxation room overlooking the beach to read my book and drink cucumber water.

Some days, I think I joined the gym just for that relaxation room alone…

  • Louise O'Neill's latest novel, Almost Love, is published by Riverrun