Bula Report - Ms Sue Ann Neil

Ms Sue Ann Neil is the owner of Chamonix Corporate Secretaries, a corporate services company based in Jersey, and the associated…

Ms Sue Ann Neil is the owner of Chamonix Corporate Secretaries, a corporate services company based in Jersey, and the associated company Chamonix Nominees. She has set up and managed companies for Mr Jim Stanley and for Bula Resources.

Ms Neil established Mir Oil in October 1994 on the instructions of Mr Stanley. She told the inspector, Mr Lyndon MacCann, that in January or February 1995, Mr Stanley informed her the beneficial ownership of Mir Oil had been transferred to Mr Craig Bond, pictured above. In July/August 1995, at the instigation of Mr Stanley, she told the Bula board Mir belonged to a Mr Charles Ellis.

Ms Neil also told the inspector that in November 1995 and June-July 1996, Mr Bond informed her he had given 27.8 million of the Bula shares held by Mir, to Mr Stanley. She also said that she sold these shares in November 1996 and January 1997 after being instructed to do so by Mr Stanley.

Mr Bond, is the son of the disgraced Australian tycoon, Mr Alan Bond. In November 1997 he claimed ownership of Mir Oil. He had power of attorney to represent the company, but it had only been signed, by Ms Neil, that month.


Legal representatives for Mr Bond approached the High Court in December 1997 to have an order freezing trading in the 74 million Bula shares held by Mir, lifted. The case was later dropped.