Professional obligations

Not a level playing field

Sir, – As a property service provider, statutorily licensed by the Property Services Regulatory Authority (PSRA), I am legally obliged to retain data relating to my business for six years following its cessation. I am further legally oblige to provide professional indemnity insurance run-off cover for a similar period. The principal governing these quite appropriate and simple legislative requirements is that we can be held to account for any alleged or actual misdemeanours for a period of time after we cease to trade.

In other words, by closing down or resigning we are not immune from sanction.

This is called wise corporate governance and professional and public accountability.

However, it seems that senior management and executives, politicians at all levels, can exit their employment without any such retrospective cautions and restrictions.


It seems that we live in a democracy but some sectors are more “democratic” than others. – Yours, etc,



Co Donegal.