Pope Benedict defends celibacy rule

Pope Benedict today praised celibacy as "the sign of full devotion..

Pope Benedict today praised celibacy as "the sign of full devotion ... an expression of giving oneself to God and to others", making it clear that there no prospect of change.

Amid calls within the Church for a discussion of celibacy, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, head of the German Bishops' Conference, said the German Church was taking steps to investigate numerous allegations of abuse in Catholic institutions, to counsel victims and to prevent a recurrence.

Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn had called for the Church to discuss taboo issues such as celibacy, priestly training and changed social attitudes to sex.

Archbishop Zollitsch said experts had found no link between celibacy and cases of abuse or paedophilia by teachers but the Church needed to more openly discuss the reasons why it was important.


"Celibacy is under attack and we will seek to establish a dialogue to better explain what celibacy is," he said.

He noted the German child abuse scandal was not limited to priests alone and he thanked the German government for convening a round-table on the issue for April 23rd grouping Catholic and Protestant representatives, civil groups, teachers and victims.

"The German bishops are dismayed by what has happened and the acts of violence against children," Archbishop Zollitsch said after the 45-minute private audience. "A few weeks ago I asked forgiveness from the victims, something which I must repeat today in Rome."

He said he had briefed Benedict about the situation in Germany, where more than 100 reports have emerged of abuse at Catholic institutions, including one linked to the prestigious Regensburg choir run by the pope's brother from 1964-1994.

The head of Germany's Catholic Church apologised to victims of child abuse by priests and said after meeting Pope Benedict today the pontiff encouraged him to press ahead with tackling the problem.

"With great shock, keen interest and deep sadness, the Holy Father took note of what I had to say," Archbishop Zollitsch told a news conference, adding that he had not specifically discussed the Regensburg choir with the pope.

"I informed the Holy Father of the measures which we are adopting and I am grateful to him for encouraging me to continue with the adoption of these measures in a decisive and courageous manner," he said. "We want to bring the truth to light."

Archbishop Zollitsch, the head of Germany's 26 million Catholics, noted the German child abuse scandal was not limited to the Church alone. He thanked the German government for convening a round-table on the issue for April 23rd grouping Catholic and Protestant representatives, civil groups, teachers and victims.
