Irish in Europe: How important is the EU to you?

Share your thoughts on the future of Europe and your place in it as part of a new series

What do you consider to be the threats facing Europe now? Photograph: iStock/Getty Images

This weekend, an Irish Times series begins investigating the future of Europe.

Irish Times Abroad is seeking personal submissions from our readers living in other European countries. How does it feel to be an EU citizen residing in a country other than Ireland in 2017? What does the EU mean to you, and your ability to travel and work freely? What do you consider to be the threats facing Europe now? Has the populist wave been halted? Is the EU facing a crisis of legitimacy? What are the prospects for the future, and how could this impact on you personally, or Irish people generally?

If you would like to contribute, please send your thoughts and stories (max 400 words) to, with a recent photo taken where you live. Don't forget to tell us about when you left Ireland and why, where you live now, what you do there and your plans for the future. A selection may be published online or in print next week. Thank you.