Dublin North West: Some 73% of voters support Yes

Róisín Shortall: ‘People actually listened to the evidence and they shifted their position’

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall, a Dublin North West TD, said the results were “extraordinarily strong”. File photograph: Stephen Collins/Collins Photos

Dublin North West has voted by a large majority to repeal the Eighth Amendment.

Some 73 per cent of voters supported Yes, with 62 per cent of the electorate turning out to cast their votes.

In total, 28,477 people backed Repeal in the referendum, with 10,489 voting against. Some 39,079 people voted, out of the 62,270 registered in the north Dublin constituency. There were 113 recorded spoiled votes.

Minister for Health Simon Harris celebrates on arrival at the count centre in Dublin's RDS. Photograph: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

Social Democrats co-leader Róisín Shortall, a Dublin North West TD, said the results were “extraordinarily strong”.


‘Actually listened’

“People have clearly shifted their position on this issue very significantly. People actually listened to the evidence and they shifted their position,” she said.

Support for Repeal in the referendum was “across the board”.

Early tallies had estimated the poll would return a Yes vote, by a margin of 73 per cent. Support for the Yes side was over 80 per cent across several boxes in Ballymun and Finglas, according to the tallies.

North Dublin had been targeted by the No campaign as an area where it could match support for Yes, perceived to be somewhat less liberal on the issue than south Dublin.

Jack Power

Jack Power

Jack Power is acting Europe Correspondent of The Irish Times