A beautifully presented Georgian house at 58 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, bought in 1809 by Daniel O'Connell for 1,000 guineas, is now for sale at over £3 million (€3.81m) through Finnegan Menton. It is located along the preferred south side of the square. A neighbouring building formerly owned by Sybil Connolly is undergoing renovation before being converted into a family home.
Number 58 has been extensively refurbished and turned into a single-occupier building with the exception of the self-contained basement, which is let to a commercial tenant. Iain Finnegan of the selling agents believes that it may be converted back into a stylish townhouse or perhaps bought for an embassy or consulate. It has 5,670 sq ft of floor space on the upper floors and eight car-parking spaces at the rear.