Taking the work out of investing in property

Although much of the shine has gone off property and property funds for investors, a balanced investment portfolio which includes…

Although much of the shine has gone off property and property funds for investors, a balanced investment portfolio which includes some property is an option still favoured by some.

BCP Stockbrokers has just launched a guide targeting individuals interested in this type of investment called Guide to Investing in Property Funds.

According to BCP, many people are put off by the disadvantages of direct property investment such as poor liquidity, or the inability to sell a property quickly, high risk associated with investment in just one property and the time associated with managing properties.

Indirect investment in property, through "a balanced portfolio with a spread of shares, gilts and property provides the optimum basis for private individuals to obtain a consistent investment return", says BCP. Further information and a copy of the guide may be obtained from Mr Martin Kane at BCP Stockbrokers at tel: (01) 668 4688, fax: (01) 668 4246, email: invest@bcp.ie