In The Commentary Box

"City fans should thank scorer Shaun Wright-Phillips, who showed exactly what genes he's inherited from his father Ian Wright…

"City fans should thank scorer Shaun Wright-Phillips, who showed exactly what genes he's inherited from his father Ian Wright." - Radio Five Live's Johnny Saunders (on Ian Wright's adopted son Shaun).

"Not only has the ref shown Junior Lewis the red card, but he's sent him off!" - Sky Sport's Chris Kamara.

"They gave the players an arousing reception." - TV3's Packie Bonner.

"We are about as far away from the penalty box as the penalty box is from us." Today FM's Tom Tyrell.


"Their away record is instantly forgettable. The 5-1 defeat and 7-0 defeat spring to mind." - BBC Radio 5 Live commentator.