Weighty matters on the mat

Madam, – Have you ever met any person whose political viewpoint was swayed by flyers and posters? Nor have I

Madam, – Have you ever met any person whose political viewpoint was swayed by flyers and posters? Nor have I. Yet, over the past few days, 125g of partisan and non-partisan bumph has landed on my doorstep, suggesting that, over the same period, some 75 tonnes of aspirational codswallop has been distributed nationwide. When this is added to the volume of visually polluting vote-for-me posters (many of which have slid down the polls – sorry – poles) and, of course, all the personal letters with a little harp on them, I do wonder who the hell is paying for all this? Talk about fiddling while Rome burns. – Yours, etc,


South Hill,

Dartry, Dublin 6.