Clerical Celibacy

Sir, - Both Fathers D. O'Hanlon and M

Sir, - Both Fathers D. O'Hanlon and M. Manning, in recent letters, seem to think that they, and other self-inflicted celibates, should be given a round of applause for their sacrifice.

There are many non-clerical, lay people living celibate lives - either by choice or social circumstances, who are not standing on hilltops proclaiming their remarkable exclusivity to the world.

The epistolary "hissy fit" from Fr David O'Hanlon (July 1st) made sad reading. Cerebral grandiloquence and paranoia overflowed onto the page.

Might it not be better to pour superfluous libidos into pastoral activities rather than bore the rest of us with recurrent enunciations on wonderful, self-congratulatory asexuality? Enough is enough. - Yours, etc.,


Monica Cox, Newbridge, Co Kildare.