Casting a cold eye on media

Madam, - W. Roe's criticism of the media for their "hubris" and their belief in "the superiority of their value system" is well…

Madam, - W. Roe's criticism of the media for their "hubris" and their belief in "the superiority of their value system" is well taken (April 20th). He deplores the media's "power to influence elected governments" without being "properly accountable to the electorate".

The problem is how to make the media accountable to the electorate without making it an arm of government. In a democracy we need free debate and free discussion under the law. Having the government decide the content of the media defeats the object of the exercise.

The fact that a small number of people own and control all of our media outlets is a serious problem and has implications for the freedom of our press. I agree with W. Roe that media studies should be taught to our future citizens in schools. Still, the fact that he and I can indulge in a debate on the subject in the public media means there is still some freedom left. - Yours, etc.,

A. LEAVY, Shielmartin Drive, Dublin 13.