Two of the State's largest trade unions, SIPTU and the Technical Electrical and Engineering Union (TEEU), have concluded a formal agreement to co-operate at national, sectoral and enterprise level.
The agreement creates an alliance embracing almost 25,000 workers and will have a major impact on industrial relations in local authorities, semi-state companies and manufacturing.
It is also being seen as a move by two Irish-based unions to prepare for increased competition from the new British giant formed by a merger of MSF and the Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union. The AEEU is currently suspended from the Irish Congress of Trade Unions for recruiting electricians in breach of a verbal agreement with the TEEU.
The new British super-union, which has yet to agree a name, has announced it will be launching a major recruiting drive in the new year.
SIPTU and the TEEU are anxious to stress their agreement is not a forerunner to a merger. SIPTU has taken over a number of small craft unions in the past, but the TEEU has 32,000 members and is strongly placed in a number of key industries.
Under the agreement, a joint co-operation body is to be established to identify opportunities for improved co-operation at all levels "without impinging on the independence, integrity, ethos or authority of either union".
SIPTU general secretary Mr John McDonnell said yesterday the agreement was in line with ICTU policy to rationalise organisation and industrial relations.