Former Fianna Fáil TD Liam Lawlor has begun a one-month jail sentence in Mountjoy Prison for failing to comply with the Flood Tribunal.
Lawlor again evaded the waiting media gathered outside the main gates just before noon when his sentence was due to begin.
It will be the third sentence that the politician has served for failing to comply with the tribunal. It is also the longest prison sentence imposed on a TD in over 60 years.
But Lawlor has warned his disclosures to the tribunal threatened to bring down other politicians. He said: "There are certain people who are criticising who might have a lot less to say if they knew what I have discovered to the tribunal.
"There are certain opposition politicians who should be under investigation by this tribunal as a result of the documentation in those files".
On Friday Mr Justice Smyth said Lawlor "had not done what he was supposed to do when he was supposed to do it" and ordered him to serve another 28 days of the sentence.
He was also fined €12,700 by the High Court. His last chance to avoid the sentence passed yesterday when he decided against appealing the sentence at the Supreme Court.
Last year Lawlor served two separate one-week terms of a three-month sentence. Each time the remainder of the sentence was suspended on condition that he co-operated with the Flood Tribunal by handing over financial records.