How events leading up to Dr Kelly's death unfolded

May 29th: Andrew Gilligan, the BBC's defence correspondent, says in a report on Radio 4's Today programme that a source - a …

May 29th: Andrew Gilligan, the BBC's defence correspondent, says in a report on Radio 4's Today programme that a source - a senior British official - informed him that last September's dossier on Iraq was "sexed up" to make a more convincing case for war.

June 1: In an article in the Mail on Sunday newspaper, Gilligan claims that Mr Tony Blair's director of communications, Mr Alastair Campbell, was responsible for adding the claim that Saddam Hussein could launch his weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes to the dossier.

June 19: Gilligan faces the Foreign Affairs Committee looking at the decision to go to war to give evidence on his claims.

June 25: Mr Campbell appears before the committee and denies that he was responsible for adding the disputed information to the dossier, demanding an apology from the BBC.


June 27: The BBC rejects call for apology and defends the integrity of the Today report, while Mr Campbell says the BBC has "not a shred of evidence for their lie".

July 7: The committee clears Mr Campbell of "sexing up" the dossier. Mr Campbell repeats his calls for an apology from the BBC, which stands by its story. Government minister Mr Ben Bradshaw challenges the BBC's director of news Richard Sambrook to a televised debate on the issue.

July 8: A Ministry of Defence official comes forward and admits meeting Gilligan to discuss dossier. He denies ever mentioning Mr Campbell. BBC says MoD's description of official does not "match" Gilligan's source. Meanwhile, Mr Blair tells committee it is "totally false" to suggest anyone inserted information into the dossier against the wishes of intelligence agencies.

July 9: Defence Secretary Mr Geoff Hoon writes to BBC chairman Mr Gavyn Davies demanding to know whether official is the source of the original Iraq dossier story. Official is named as microbiologist and weapons adviser Dr David Kelly.

July 10: Dr Kelly is summoned to appear before the committee.

July 15: Dr Kelly tells the Foreign Affairs Committee he believes he was not the main "sexed up" dossier source. BBC refuses to discuss the source further, prompting MoD to describe its reticence as "suspicious". Gilligan is told he will have to return to give evidence to committee.

July 16: Mr Tony Blair tells MPs the BBC should say whether or not Dr Kelly is the source for their report.

July 17: Gilligan is recalled to private session of Foreign Affairs Committee after Dr Kelly denied suggestions he was the possible source. Chairman Mr Donald Anderson later said he was an "unsatisfactory witness", adding: "Mr Gilligan appeared to change his mind on the very grave allegation in quite a fundamental way."

At 3 p.m., Dr Kelly leaves his house in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, telling his wife he is going for a walk. At 11.45 p.m. his family contacts police when he fails to return home.

July 18: Thames Valley Police appeal for help to find Dr Kelly.

At about 11 a.m., police hunting for Dr Kelly say the body of an unidentified man has been found at Harrowdown Hill, about five miles from Dr Kelly's home. - (PA)